Volunteer at big church.
Worship / Sound & Media / Ushering / Children’s Ministry / Kidz Club / Youth Ministry / Prayer / Small Group
Support the policies, procedures, and doctrine of faith of big church
Attend Big Church for more then 3 months for all ministries except children and youth ministries
Attend Big Church for more then 6 months for children and youth ministries. Must obtain police record check with vulnerable sector screening completed. Volunteers under 18 do not require a police check. Be willing to complete training prior to volunteering.
Qualities of a Helper:
Grow and be developing a daily devotional life
Have a teachable spirit and be willing to be formed
Be faithful and dependable
Be open and transparent
Be a generous giver
Show initiative to serve
Must build and not tear down
Promote and uphold unity
Grow in education and experience
Acceptable appearance
Serving Areas:
Attend pre-service prayer for Sunday, when you are serving
Attend weekly small group and/or weekly prayer
Connected to Big Church online community and your ministry department for updates and when scheduled
All department areas excluding children and youth:
Complete and sign all forms
Children and youth departments:
3 References, excluding relatives
Police record check with volunteer sector check (to be attached to form). Police record check is not required for volunteers under 18
Complete and sign all forms
Read all information above before starting form. You will be contacted within a week of submission on average to finish the process. Approvals will be granted to applicants meeting all the requirements. Considered youth if under 18.
Annual Children and Youth Ministries Renewal Form Below